Santa Rosa California real estate agent Charles Himes was awakened before 6AM on Easter Sunday morning with a call from the police about his wrecked car
DealersEdge Daily Headlines
Himes’ 500-horsepower, V-10 BMW M5 was in the shop for some warranty repairs. On Friday afternoon, the service advisor called asking him to return to the dealership, drive his car over the weekend and then return it Monday to finalize the repair. Apparently the dealership felt that an extended road test was needed. Himes declined (he was in a loaner) and made arrangements for the dealership to take care of the road test, all according to an article in the Press Democrat.

When Himes arrived at the scene of the crash, an envelope with the name of a dealership employee was found in the back seat. Himes, along with Santa Rosa police, then presented themselves at the doorstep of the service advisor. At this point no hit-and-run charges were levied.
Not long after the police left, a dealership manager arrived and fired the service advisor.
Now Himes is demanding that the dealership pay off his car loan and replace the vehicle. According to the dealership, this is being treated as an insurance matter and a report has been filed with their insurance carrier. Himes has hired an attorney to press his case.

What a cool car - such a shame.
According to the dealer, the employee violated company rules by agreeing to take the customer’s car home.
According to Himes, when he was asked to take the vehicle for the weekend and he declined - he then agreed with the service advisor that he should drive the vehicle over the weekend. Himes is quoted as saying, “I told him I don’t care who drives it".
So who’s to blame? Should the dealership step up and cover the customer’s loss? Should the service advisor lose his job? Does the fact that the car was wrecked in the middle of the night have any bearing on the dispute?
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